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Before you attempt to install Turntable, please make sure your set up meet the following requirements:

PlatformMac (ARM or Intel), Windows (x86), Linux (x86 or ARM)
Visual Studio Code version1.7.8 or greater
Build toolsXCode command line tools (Mac), Visual C++ build tools (Windows), gcc (Linux)
Python version installed3.9 or above
Python packages installeddbt-core, your dbt adapter
DBT project healthability to run dbt parse , dbt compile, and dbt docs generate --no compile


Here are some tips on how to remedy the above:


We support all modern mac implementations. For Windows users, make sure you have Windows Subsystem for Linux installed and configured in VSCode. For Codespaces users, please open the devcontainer locally to use our extension.

VS Code version

Press Control + Shift + P within VS Code. Type Code: Check for Updates and then install the latest version of VSCode when prompted.

Build tools

On Mac, open a terminal and run xcode-select --install. Note, this may take 20 minutes or more.

On Windows, download the build tools here. Open the downloaded exe and follow the prompts to install Visual C++ build tools.

On Linux, sudo apt-get install build-essential on Debian-based distros and yum install gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel make on Fedora-based distros.

Python version installed

This depends on how you are managing your Python environment (venv, poetry, etc.). Once you have created a Python environment with Python interpreter version 3.8 or above, press Control + Shift + P within VS Code, type Python: Select Interpreter and then select the interpreter you have modified/created. You may need to press refresh button in the pane to load the latest environments.


If you are having trouble finding your current interpreter and have dbt already working, you can find the correct path by running dbt debug in your terminal and then looking at the python_path that is returned.

Python packages installed

Once you have selected the correct interpreter, press Control + Shift + P within VS Code, type Python: Create Terminal . In the terminal that opens run pip install dbt-{adapter} where adapter is the database provider you are using. Here’s a list of verified and community adapters for dbt-core.

DBT project health

How to remedy this highly depends on your specific setup, but here are some common fixes:

  • Make sure your packages.yml file is up to date and corresponds to your dbt version
  • Make sure you’ve run dbt deps
  • Address any repo errors reported when you run dbt parse or dbt compile
  • Make sure that your dbt profile has sufficient database permissions to access the metadata of your development schema